Building an Online Community

I am going to start by saying that I honestly had a hard time connecting this week’s readings to the course that I have created with Sydney. This is because we designed the course to be supplemental and not a fully online delivered course. We imagined that students would primarily be completing their learning within a classroom setting, but could complete the online modules for extra practice at home or to keep up with learning concepts if they missed school for long periods of time. We designed the course in a way that I would actually use in my own classroom.

The readings were mainly centered around creating community in online courses. I agree that creating community and peer engagement is important for fully online courses. In my own course, community building and peer engagement would take place within the in-person classroom. One way that I could incorporate some online sharing between peers within my course is to maybe provide students a way to share their learning with each other by using things such as Padlet.

One idea I got from this week’s set of readings and videos was from the second Wesch video. It was to put an introduction video into my course. We currently have a written introduction but I think it would also be a nice way to introduce the course if we included a video as well because it is more personal.

One thought on “Building an Online Community

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  1. I completely appreciate your honesty here. What you’ve mentioned in this post supports everything we talked about this past class with online courses not really aligning with the intense need for F2F learning for the primary grades, so it is understandable that this week’s readings felt disconnected for you. I think the takeaway of an intro video from you and for your students to create at the start of the year is a great low-stakes (to align with Bates’ notes) school-year intro activity/project to benchmark students’ comfortability with tech tools. Thanks for keepin’ it real and for sharing 🙂


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